In celebration of 50 Goldilicious years and as a loving tribute to our founders, Mrs. Milagros Yee and Mrs. Clarita Go, we will be releasing the special, one-of-kind Goldilocks Bakebook.
The Goldilocks Bakebook is a collection of recipes of the most well-loved Goldilocks products, honed and perfected through the years. It is a lovingly crafted gift by Goldilocks for our most loyal ambassadors, our customers.
The Goldilocks Bakebook is a collection of recipes of the most well-loved Goldilocks products, honed and perfected through the years. It is a lovingly crafted gift by Goldilocks for our most loyal ambassadors, our customers.
The Goldilocks Bakebook is not only a collection of our timeless recipes but is also a story of how Goldilocks achieved its success. It is also a compilation of special stories from customers about their own sweet moments shared with Goldilocks.
The Bakebook is also a unique way of giving back to the community since all proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the Goldilocks Foundation.
The Bakebook is also a unique way of giving back to the community since all proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the Goldilocks Foundation.
Book Details
SIZE: 8.5" (L) X 8.5" (W)
NUMBER OF PAGES: 211 pages
NUMBER OF RECIPES: 108 recipes

** History of Goldilocks
** Recipes of Signature Products (e.g. Mamon, Ensaymada, Black Forest and Mocha Roll)
** Customer Sweet Memories Collection
** Recipes of Signature Products (e.g. Mamon, Ensaymada, Black Forest and Mocha Roll)
** Customer Sweet Memories Collection
* Meat Filled Bun (page 8) – Salt should be measured at 1/2 Tbsp and not 1/2 Cup.
* Mocha and Vanilla Chiffon Cake Recipes (pages 76 and 78) – Add Egg yolks of 4 Large Eggs in the list of ingredients.
* Caramel Tart (page 196) – Condensed Milk should be measured at 2 Tbsp and Salt should be measured at a pinch.
* Mocha and Vanilla Chiffon Cake Recipes (pages 76 and 78) – Add Egg yolks of 4 Large Eggs in the list of ingredients.
* Caramel Tart (page 196) – Condensed Milk should be measured at 2 Tbsp and Salt should be measured at a pinch.