Once upon 1966...
On a cheerful day in May, the first Goldilocks branch opens in Pasong Tamo, Makati. This "Once Upon a Time" will flourish into a "Happy Ever After" in due course.
Goldilocks marches along and opens its second branch along Taft Avenue, Manila.
Parties and celebrations become more delightful, as Goldilocks extends to catering services
United States, here we come! Goldilocks plants the Philippine Flag overseas by opening an outlet in Los Angeles, California.
As the country celebrates the beatification of its first Saint, San Lorenzo Ruiz, Goldilocks is tapped as the official caterer for the visiting Pope John Paul II.
Goldilocks continues its international expansion by opening in Vancouver, Canada.
The Goldilocks family gets bigger through its franchising program. Great news for entrepreneurs!
Goldilocks puts happy faces in their cakes - quite literally - as it introduces the trend in computerized edible portrait cakes.
Di a nami sa Sugbu! Goldilocks launches its Cebu commissary to better serve the southern market. Padayon ang Lami!
The once-small bakeshop comes of age: Goldilocks exceeds 1 billion pesos in revenue.
Here's to a happy hundred! Goldilocks opens its 100th store.
New look, same goodness: Goldilocks updates its store design and visual elements.
Didto sa Davao, na ay Goldilocks na! Beginning in Luzon and extending to the Visayas, Goldilocks now reaches Mindanao.
Another reason to visit the "vacation capital of the Philippines": Goldilocks opens in Baguio City.
Viva Las Vegas! The USA now has 17 Goldilocks stores across key cities.
Goldilocks celebrates 40 Thoughtful Years in the Philippines. Accordingly, the country's number one bakeshop reaches 5 billion pesos in sales and opens its 200th store.
Come and see how Goldi-good things are made! The Goldilocks Cake City Tour opens its doors, to the delight of kids and kids at heart.
Mother Earth joins the celebration: Goldilocks is recognized for its environmental activism and eco-friendly production systems.
Goldilocks says Sawadee! The Company's Asia expansion begins with its first store in Bangkok, Thailand. Goldilocks opens its 300th store in Quezon City.
Goldilocks celebrates its 45th year aniversary.